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Boba Fett captures him and Jabba freezes him to put on display in his palace. He places a bounty on smuggler Han Solo, sending several bounty hunters to capture him. He is obese and often exemplifies his characterizations of lust and greed by having slave alien girls in his throne room. In the films, Jabba is a powerful crime lord on the planet Tatooine, who is of the Hutt species. The character is a large slug-like creature based off annelid worms and originally designed as an apelike figure. He also appears in the prequel movie The Phantom Menace. Jabba was later added into the film as a CGI character when it was re-released in Special Edition in 1997.

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He was originally supposed to first appear in Star Wars (1977) as a stop motion character with Declan Mulholland as his stand-in.

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Created by George Lucas, Jabba is voiced by Larry Ward with several puppeteers inside a one-ton puppet portraying him in Return of the Jedi. Jabba the Hutt (Jabba Desilijic Tiure) is a fictional character and minor antagonist in the Star Wars franchise.

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